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Tim Poole Quote

Mar 11, 2017 ~ John Stossel, 'Killing Big Bird' - Trump wants to defund the NEA to save $2.5 Billion - people claim it would kill Sesame Street but that has not been public funded for some time - most money goes to people who are good at filling out forms. [John Stossel]
Feb 22, 2017 ~ John Stossel, 'Repeal! No, Wait!' Stossel explains why regulations are so hard to undo no matter how bad - gives several examples of horrible regulations that were impossible or nearly impossible to repeal due to special interests. [John Stossel, Regulations, Economics]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ John Stossel, 'Close Them Down' - Stossel argues for eliminating the Department of Labor and the Small Business Administration SBA entirely - wasteful cronyism - bloated bureaucracies that do more harm than good [John Stossel]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ John Stossel, 'A Strong Leader'. Stossel naively assumed that the collapse of the Soviet Union would make it obvious to everyone that socialism kills prosperity and freedom. If that didn't, then the poverty in Cuba, Cambodia, Tanzania, Somalia, North Korea, etc. would [John Stossel, Socialism]
Dec 1, 2016 ~ John Stossel, 'Thanksgiving Tragedy' - Pilgrims started with socialism and many starved - 'tragedy of the commons'. No one had incentive to work. They thrived after embracing private property - Bureau of Indian Affairs keeps Indians in poverty today because of the same problem [Economics, Socialism, John Stossel]

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