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Feb 27, 2019 ~ Bernie Sanders refuses to call Maduro a dictator - reluctant because he knows Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and the USSR, all nations he's praised, are textbook cases of socialism. Now he cites countries that reject the socialist label like Denmark as socialism success stories. [Economics, Socialism, Sanders]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Rush Limbaugh is 'Fed Up! We Get Blamed for Everything!' - mass shootings, hurricanes, anti-Semitic attacks etc. have all happened for a long time - but now they are Trump and the GOP's fault - There is no connection. Bernie, Hillary not blamed for Hodgkinson, Mateen. [Fake News, Sanders]
Oct 27, 2018 ~ The everything is Trump's fault double standard. A lone Trump supporter sends bombs to dems, Trump's fault. A Trump hater shoots up a synagogue, Trump's fault. A dem sends Ricin, a Bernie fan shoots up GOP baseball game, a Hillary Fan shoots up Pulse Night Club, not their fault. [Politics, Sanders, Hillary]
Sep 24, 2018 ~ The Air Has Seeped out of the Russia-Collusion Balloon. Bob Woodward asked about finding any collusion, 'I did not and I looked for it hard'. In the end Hillary was the only cheater in the election. The DNC was rigged in her favor against Bernie and CNN fed her debate questions. [Russia Hoax, Hillary, Sanders]
Sep 10, 2018 ~ Tucker Carlson who usually knows better and Bernie Sanders who never does argue that Amazon should be taxed the amount their workers get welfare - its the same flawed minimum wage argument for paying workers more than they are worth. Welfare would be more without the job. [Minimum Wage, Economics, Sanders]
May 5, 2018 ~ National Review, 'Guaranteed Bankruptcy' - Bernie and the dems now floating the idea of 'guaranteed jobs' from the government - it would not only bankrupt America faster, it would destroy all necessary market incentives to gain skills, relocate, etc. [Politics, Economics, Sanders]
Feb 20, 2018 ~ Kurt Schlichter, 'Progressives Must Stop Using Terror To Try And Intimidate Conservatives' - White powder sent to Donald Trump Jr. - Bernie Bro shoots at Republican Congressman - Liberal physically attacks Rand Paul - assassination fantasies becoming common on the left. [TDS, Violent Left, Sanders]
Dec 30, 2017 ~ Bernie Sanders says the Trump Tax plan 'is a very good thing, and that's why we should have made the tax breaks for the middle class permanent'. LOL! The only reason they're not permanent is because the democrats insisted they expire. Pelosi is fuming Bernie told the truth. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Sanders]
Nov 6, 2017 ~ Donna Brazile finally admits that the Democrat race was rigged for Hillary against Bernie. Gave Hillary control of the DNC before she secured the nomination. Derek Hunter, 'Liberals Are Everything They Say We Are'. Accused Trump of cheating in election but they were the ones. [Hillary, Politics, Derek Hunter, Sanders]
Oct 29, 2017 ~ New York Times story 'How Russia Harvested American Rage to Reshape U.S. Politics.' turns out to be fake. Russia spent insignificant $6500 in ads for the Green Party, Clinton, Bernie, Black Lives Matter, Trump. Ads not overwhelmingly pro-Trump or anti-Clinton. Did not help Trump. [Russia Hoax, Fake News, Sanders, Politics, BLM]
Oct 21, 2017 ~ Leah Barkoukis, 'Liberal Millennials Love Trump's Tax Plan...When They Think It's Bernie's'. Embarrassing but hilarious demo that students and millennials know absolutely nothing except that they hate Trump. Similar to when they condemned Obama's words thinking they were Trump's. [Taxes, Sanders, College]
Sep 23, 2017 ~ Matthew Continetti, 'Democrats Follow Bernie Sanders Off a Cliff' - endorse Single Payer, Medicare for All - So absurdly unaffordable that even ultra liberal Vermont and California had to reject it - reasons why it would be a disaster [Sanders, Health Care, Entitlements]
Jun 27, 2017 ~ Dems demonizing the opposition calling them killers instead of debating policy - Hillary- GOP is 'The Death Party' if they pass their health care bill. Warren- 'These cuts are blood money. People will die' - Sanders- 'Barbaric'. This is not a serious political party anymore. [Health Care, Sanders, Hillary]
Jun 25, 2017 ~ James Hodgkinson, Anti-Trump Bernie supporter and member of the resistance open fires on GOP congressmen critically wounding Majority Whip Steve Scalise - believed all the hate from the left about nazis & how GOP was killing people and planet - left wing violent rhetoric common [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial, Sanders]
Jun 11, 2017 ~ NSA emp. Reality Winner, self proclaimed member of The Resistance is arrested for leaking classified docs to The Intercept. Bernie supporter, tweets things like #TrumpIsACunt, pledged allegiance to Iran AND Taliban, says 'being white is terrorism', wanted to burn down White House [Loathsome Left, Sanders, Iran, Racism, Violent Left]
Jun 1, 2017 ~ Jeremy Christian kills 2 white men allegedly saving 2 females Muslim, Black. No video. Women cant be found. Falsely called an Islamophobe and Trump Supporter 'White Supremacist' Hated all religions. Was Bernie, Stein supporter. Called for the death of Hillary and Trump supporters [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Islamophobia, Sanders]
Jun 1, 2017 ~ Why using life expectancy is not useful for comparing health care systems as Bernie Sanders and other dems do - If you eliminate murders and car accidents, the United States has the world's best life expectancy numbers. [Health Care, Sanders, Socialism]
Mar 21, 2017 ~ Donna Brazile admits stealing debate questions for Hillary after denying it for so long. 'sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret.' In the end, Hillary was the only candidate who cheated. Twice. Debate questions fed from CNN and rigging the DNC against Bernie. [Politics, Hillary, Sanders]
Mar 19, 2017 ~ Rachel Maddow could not have looked more ridiculous. Claimed she had Trump's tax returns! Tricked people into watching her show. Hugh ratings. She only had 2 pages of one 1040 showing Trump paid $38M on $150M. A higher percentage than Obama and Bernie Sanders. Viewers furious. [TDS, Fake News, Taxes, Sanders]
Feb 22, 2017 ~ Woman who owns a hairdresser businesses tries to explain to Bernie Sanders why Obamacare prevents her from expanding and being able to provide more jobs - he is clueless like most dems trying to rule over us. [Health Care, Obamacare, Regulations, Sanders]

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